Conclusion of Negotiation Management Training Course

The training course on negotiation management was concluded at the Red Sea State Police Hall.
It was organized by the Police Presidency in cooperation with the African Center for Governance, Peace and Transformation Studies (AcoGaps).
Police Brig. Gen. Saif Al-Nasr AlTayeb AlTijani explained in statement of police press office that the course comes in the context of the Police Commandment interest in training and that the participants receive Lectures on the concept of crisis management, causes and treatment, a lecture on negotiation in question, the concept, requirements for effectiveness and negotiation skills presented by Professor Sir Al-Khattab Abdel Rahim, a lecture on negotiation with international organizations presented by Ambassador Dr. Kamal Jubarah , and a lecture on practical procedures for negotiation presented by Brig. Gen. Dr. Moataz Fadl.